New Year, (Kind of) New Me

Hello, blog that I have not written in since October 2022!

I just got an email saying that my domain name has been renewed, which was a stark reminder that I haven’t felt compelled to publish something here in over a year. Part of me has felt overwhelmed by the amount of things that have happened in the last year, which makes the thought of updating my blog with everything that’s happened feel… overwhelming!

Instead of recapping, I’m looking forward to the upcoming year. I am a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions, so here are mine for 2024:

Monthly Trivia Night

This is my favorite resolution and the one that I’m looking forward to the most!

Over the last few months, I’ve realized that I have formed so many new connections and relationships that I’d like to grow further, and I’m excited by the possibilities! However, I have also fallen into the mental trap of thinking that nobody wants to hang out with me because nobody is inviting me out, and letting these thoughts discourage me from inviting people out myself.

To get around these mental hurdles, I’ve decided that I want to go to trivia night at least once a month. I love trivia, but, more importantly, I love having an external force (or better put, excuse) to invite people out.

I’ve floated the idea to some circles already and have received a lot of positive responses (including offers to connect me to other trivia-savvy people, which is exciting!), but I still definitely feel the need to close the loop and actually finalize plans. That’s always the obstacle, right?

No New Books

I own a lot of books. I have a full, four-shelf bookshelf as well as a rapidly-growing collection on my Kindle and Audible accounts. Everything is growing because I am constantly on the lookout for sales and good deals, especially in the book section of my local Goodwill. I get a very specific sense of accomplishment from collecting books – again, the possibility! the thrill of the find! etc! – but this feeling has very rarely been followed-up with the sense of accomplishment that comes from actually… finishing… these… books…

Because of this, I have declared that I will not buy any new books in 2024, and instead, take this year to work through my current queues and bookshelves.

I have, however, decided to make one exception to this rule. I am part of a book club with a few friends from college, and I definitely want to keep participating, as it’s been a great way to continue feeling connected with them – so I’ll buy whatever book we’re talking about, even if it’s not already on my bookshelf. Anything for connection, right? (See above!)

The Year of Heavy Weights (and – gasp – No Running Goals)

This is a complicated one!

I ran my last race, for the foreseeable future, at the beginning of last November. I haven’t run a step (on purpose) since then!

I have a lot of thoughts about this change that I will probably pour into another blog post in the future! (Content!) For today’s post, I want to focus on my new fitness regimen instead: lifting heavy weights!

I’ve wanted to lift heavier weights for a long time, but had trouble balancing my time between lifting and running, and because I kept signing up for races, running had to take precedence for a long time. After my last race, however, I decided to follow my heart and sign up for a gym membership.

Things have been going great so far and, honestly, and my former race training mentality (read: consistency) has mapped itself well to getting myself into the gym on a regular basis. Here’s to a stronger year!

Jo Club 9/n, “What was your favorite creative outlet as a child? And today?”

I was once a teeny tiny preteen baby weeb. I was particularly obsessed with Hello! Project – an extremely bubblegum pop J-pop label – to the point where I could name almost every girl (and their groups, and the very particular order that they are introduced) in this music video:

also, this song still slaps, and I still know all the words too

I cringed at myself as I moved on to high school and got slightly older, but now I treat it as a little “fun fact” about myself, revealed only to my closest friends on a need-to-know basis.

I was listening to a lot of Japanese music as a 9-10 year old. I later learned that this was a great time for my brain to start picking up a new language, and I was eating Japanese up. I spent hours writing out and singing along to song lyrics, and tried my darndest to consume promotional materials in the original Japanese so that I wouldn’t have to wait for translators.

Though I still haven’t gotten to the point of fluency, I credit this time in my life for giving me a pretty solid foundation in the Japanese language. Sure, it’s based in cutesy love songs, but it’s better than nothing!

This is not the answer to the prompt, but it is useful context for my childhood creative outlet: making up languages!

When I got too frustrated with learning Japanese, I simply made up characters and wrote them in my notebooks. Those characters turned into a dictionary of fake symbols and their meanings, and that dictionary spawned a simple grammar structure. These reference materials gave way to pages and pages of fake magazine spreads, album covers, lyric booklets, and more. I poured over these notebooks for hours, often secretly in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep. (I later learned that all of those frappuccinos I was drinking around the same time were heavily caffeinated – I didn’t know what caffeine was back then! Maybe that’s why I’m so short!)

The writing system was very heavily influenced by the look of Japanese, Chinese, and even Korean styles, but the grammar was very close to English’s subject-verb-object order. I made up specific characters for common words and phrases – “I”, “you”, “it”, etc. – but had a separate, letter-based alphabet for other words, and made up symbols completely from scratch for people’s names (with furigana-style symbols above them so I wouldn’t forget). It was elaborate! I was an artist!

Unfortunately, because of the amount of time that has passed, I don’t remember much about the actual writing system. Though a real language like Japanese has been relatively easy to keep up with and continue to practice, my made-up language left my brain as soon as I moved on. I likely even threw away many of those old notebooks out of embarrassment. However, much like my former J-pop obsession, my fondness for my old hobby has come back as I’ve gotten older, and I look back at my former middle-of-the-night writing sessions with awe and pride. Who else can say that they made up an entire language?

These days, I’ve been struggling to find my own hobbies and stick to them (as evidenced by this blog, which hasn’t been updated in nearly 7 months!) I feel like I tried so many, especially during the pandemic, from fiber arts to baking to reading books, and none of them have stuck around indefinitely. Even the creative outlets that I’ve poured extra time, money, and effort into, like comedy, have fallen to the wayside.

This answer feels like a cop-out – it definitely is – but it often feels like the most creative thing I do every day is choose my outfit. This has been happening more often, for sure, as I have recently returned to going into an office to work. However, even when I wasn’t leaving the house as often, I still took care to choose my lounging-around-the-house outfits in a way that made me look and feel good.

Maybe it’s a coping mechanism for my lifelong insomnia (see: frappucinos), or maybe it’s the years of wearing a uniform to school, but I simply cannot work in casual clothes – my body is physically recoiling at the thought of working in (gasp) pajamas! I was actually pretty excited to enter the working world after college, and was very happy to build up a modest wardrobe of clothes that were both office-appropriate and reasonably fashionable. Even while working from home, I made the effort to change into another pair of sweatpants (ha ha) before starting work for the day to put my brain into “work” mode.

I’m not going to sit here and pretend like I have the style or wardrobe of an influencer. I don’t even have any example OOTD pictures because – surprise! – I don’t take them. However, I would be lying if I said my heart doesn’t flutter when a friend or coworker randomly comments on my outfit or a particular piece I’m wearing. I put a lot of thought and time into curating a wardrobe of pieces that I’m excited about (and can reasonably afford), and it feels nice to get acknowledged for that effort! Call me shallow!

I Took The Instagram App Off My Phone, And It’s Great

from unsplash

Sometime in the summer of 2020, as the name of this post suggests, I took the Instagram app off my phone.

That timing is incredibly important. The pandemic started earlier that year, and I spent hours and hours scrolling, wasting my time staring at my phone screen. I started following many new accounts to swipe through, from influencers to artists to educators and everything in between. Though they made me happy at the time – and I can’t stress enough what a time that was – Instagram quickly became an ongoing source of stress and more mentally tiring than I thought it would be.

So I deleted it!

Continue reading “I Took The Instagram App Off My Phone, And It’s Great”